Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Will I Repeat Such ............????????????

Life can sometimes teach you many things and we accept that, dont we???But can those things start haunting u.............
This article below will tell you why I started this article with these sort of lines.Oops!!!! Dont think that I am going to contradict the above statement.... but actually I am going to share with you an ....... Experience...........a true one.......

I was standing at a bus stop during the course of my training program in Erode.As usual lot of people were standing alongside me looking into their watches for more than their years of life span left on this planet......but there was one old man who stood away from the herd not even bothered about wat was going beside him,his face was just reminding me of one of the faces which has just seen a disaster........his appearance was ok.!!!The one thing which could have made anyone to get distracted towards him were his goggles which were constantly urging me to see them.....and my heart dominated my mind and took my eyes to get fixed on that man interminently.....

But suddenly strain on my eyes kept on decreasing with time and suddenly the goggles were in front of my eyes closer than I would have loved them to and even before I could have recovered from that pinching surprise the polite voice asked me......
" Beta mujhe maaf kijiyega...maine appko disturb kiya par kya aap meri madad kar sakte ho???"
Truly speaking you cannot even think of saying no , such was the calculated tone of his voice and adding to that there was one drop of water which was trying hard to sneak out through his goggles.....I was quick to reply,"hanji kahiye.....

He recalled that he was travelling back to his home in a bus and just when he was about to pay for his ticket,he realiaed that he has been the victim of "pick pocket",and he had to get down at an immediate bus stop.He continued saying that he needed 100 Rs to get back to his home and he will be grateful if I cam help his helplessness......

100 Rs...I dont know but that time the first thought which came to my mind was to help him and I was quite quick to take out the demanded note and hand it over to him...and his silent tears started flowing as if the dam had suddenly colasped...and afer showering me with blessings he smiled and disappeared into the sky.

"hmmmmm....." this was the sound which generated inside me as a mark of doing really something gr8.....helping a needy.Just after few days............

The history repeated as if all the artists had taken their positions they had taken on the "day"......Suddenly a city bus came and stopped in front of me and the same oldy got down with his goggles seeing me like a stranger.As expected he came and stood alongside me.I was expecting money-back and quite prepared with the word "Welcome" which was too eager as myself to get the freedom ... but to my surprise he turned his face to other side and said something to a man who was standing nesr to him.Those words make me shiver till date and I cannot even imagine that I was.........

That something was ------
"Beta mujhe maaf kijiyega...maine appko disturb kiya par kya aap meri madad kar sakte ho.."


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


A father and his son were walking on a village street along with their horse.There were few villgers sitting and playing cards who couldnt stop themselves from laughing on seeing the trio on the road.One of them commented about their foolishness to walk on road despite keeping a horse who was too walking alongside them with no one to ride on it.When the father son duo heard them they felt really hurt.
Next day the trio again started for a different village but this time son was riding on the horse and father was walking on foot.Again on the outskirts of their destination some villagers who were chit-chatting couldnt stop themselves from commenting about the cruel son who was making is old father to walk and himself sitting like a prince on the horse.
Boy overheard that and felt bad and on their next trip he insisted his father to sit on the horse.Again as they were on the verge of finishing their day they heard one more comment from a group of ladies who were taking water from the well and this time it was on the father that how nicely he was sitting on the horse leaving his son to swet in that hot weather.This was again too much for them and this time they decided to together sit on the horse during the course of their journey.
But again few were there to comment and the comments were:-

"dekho dekho yeh baap bete kaise ek bejuban jaanwar pe attyachar kar rhe hain"

But this time on the contrary the duo ignored the comments........

You cannot make everyone happy in life with your work,conduct and behaviour.Its always better to do wat u like in life and which makes u happy not others........

Monday, March 15, 2010


There are times in life when you start feeling that things are suddenly slipping from your hands.It is at that time when you should actually thank God about the same becoz he is on his way to take away all those things from u which are making you uncomfortable and stopping u from expanding ur vision............. move on....